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Light Codes and Divine Communications

"Light Codes and Divine Communication" is a course which will help you Understand the Language of God & activate your Divine Guidance! It is based upon the teachings that I receive through my own Divine Communications from the beloved Ascended Masters/Teachers and the Creator and in this course I?ll guide you to connect with the Light Language ~ which is the Language of our Creator, so you may awaken your own Divine Communication and proceed in your spiritual journey by your own!

  1. General Structure Of The Course!

  2. Introduction!

  3. Light Codes ~ General Information!

  4. Where Do Light Codes Come From

  5. The Light Code Carriers And How To Become One!

  6. Are You A Light Code Carrier

  7. Becoming A Light Code Carrier! ~ Guided Attunement!

  8. Activating The Light Codes!

  9. Connection With Your Spiritual Aspect! ~ Guided Meditation!

  10. Creating Your Own Light Codes & How To Transform Them!

  11. Light Codesinitiations For Your 7 Chakras!

  12. Prayer ~ Introduction!

  13. Preparative Prayers Before Connection

  14. The Prayer Of Love!

  15. The Prayer Of Faith!

  16. The Prayer Of Will!

  17. The Prayer Of Self!

  18. Prayer To The Superior Self!

  19. Prayer To The Lord Of The Lords!

  20. Divine Blessings ~ Introduction!

  21. Divine Blessings!

  22. Psalms ~ Introduction!

  23. Attuning Psalms! ~ Part 1!

  24. Attuning Psalms! ~ Part 2!

  25. Attuning Psalms! ~ Part 3!

  26. Attuning Psalms ~ Part 4!

  27. Blessing Psalm Of Jesus Christ!

  28. Closure!

  29. My Other Courses And Further Communication!

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