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Al-Anon Speaker Tapes Vol. 4

Listen to tons of the best AL-ANON meeting speaker recordings digitally remastered and audio leveled for optimal listening.

  1. I Am Not Drinking But I Have The Disease Of Alcoholism - Rick J.

  2. It's Been A Heck Of A Ride, But The Program Works - Sherry S.

  3. She Told Me To Do What It Says And Do It Every Day And Things Will Work Out - June C.

  4. All I Knew How To Do Was Peek Out Windows And Plan Funerals - Shelly E.

  5. God's Will For Me Is To Be Of Maximum Service To My Fellows - Linda S.

  6. Having Someone To Talk Through My Crazy Ideas Was Essential - Mary P.

  7. I Didn't Even Know I Needed To Be Here - Wendy C.

  8. I Have A Spiritual Malady - Cory D.

  9. I Keep It By Sharing It - Larceen G.

  10. I Love My Family Just The Way They Are, I Don't Try To Change Them - Magdelena E.

  11. I Realized I'm Not An Alcoholic, I Never Wanted A Drink, I Drank To Connect With Others - Grayce A.

  12. I'm So Overblessed And Overpaid - Vannoy S.

  13. It's Been An Amazing Journey To Look At My Own Character Defects - Palmer G.

  14. Leave Him To Aa And Alanon For You - Carolyn G.

  15. My Wife Relapsed And That Was Not In The Plan - Gordy B.

  16. Quit Your Crying And Get Off Your Dead Ass - Chuck L.

  17. Step 9 Is Where The Spiritual Experience Starts For Me - Philip B.

  18. This Is Where I Get My Experience, Strength And Hope - Jack C.

  19. When Trouble Comes You'll Know Where To Go - Ellen C.

  20. When We Walk Into The Rooms We're Taking A Small Leap Of Faith - Frances Q.

  21. You Asked Me To Bring The Cookies And That Made The Difference - Jennie H.

  22. You Can Develop A Relationship With God And It's Powerful - Cissy C.

  23. You'll Be Way Better If You Do Your Own Work - Barbara A.

  24. You're Welcome To Our Meetings Any Time - Karen M.

  25. I Thought Aa Was All I Needed - Father Tom W.

  26. Alcoholics Believes That It's All About Them - Charity V.

  27. I Came From A Family Of Alcoholic - Al G.

  28. I Came Here To Have A Really Good Time - Vannoy S.

  29. I Can Make This Work - Alixa S.

  30. I Don't Alcohols But I Drink Other Peoples Emotion - Derek R.

  31. I Don't Believe That My Parents Are Alcoholics - Jack C.

  32. I Love Alcoholics - Larceen G.

  33. I Need It More And More And More - Charlotte I.

  34. I Was Spiritually Dead - Ginny N.

  35. I'm Always Bad With Time - Kyle C.

  36. I'm Bless To Be Part Of This - Alicia N.

  37. I'm Responsible On My Own Recovery - Chuck L.

  38. If I'm Soppused To Here, I Will Be Here - Doug S.

  39. It Gets Better And Better Everyday - Laura B.

  40. It Is Very Much A Family Desease - Cindy S.

  41. My Mom Is An Alcoholic And My Dad Is An Alcoholic - Tom H.

  42. Nobody Physically Abused Me - Charlie T.

  43. Somewhere Along The Line This Program Works - Beverly B.

  44. The More I Cried, The More I Laugh - Doyle F.

  45. This Program Has Meant Everything To Me - Scott F.

  46. We Are Powerless Over Alcohol - Paul S.

  47. We Came Here For Different Reasons But We've Come For The Reason - Art T.

  48. We Don't Have To Reach Humility By Going To Humiliation - Dick G.

  49. What We Thought Was No Alcoholism - Ajit S.

  50. What's Life Used To Be Like - Theresa P.

  51. Why My Life Has Changed Dramatically - Corrie L.

  52. You Gotte Be Independent - Gail W.

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