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Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Audiobook Excerpts

Listen to 25 audiobook excerpts of the best science fiction books of all time in high fidelity.

  1. Ender's Game

  2. Dune

  3. 1984

  4. Fahrenheit 451

  5. Brave New World

  6. A Wrinkle In Time

  7. Foundation

  8. The Hunger Games

  9. The Giver

  10. Stranger In A Strange Land

  11. Slaughterhouse-five

  12. I, Robot

  13. Neuromancer

  14. Snow Crash

  15. Speaker For The Dead

  16. The Martian Chronicles

  17. The Stand

  18. Hyperion

  19. The Foundation Trilogy (dramatized)

  20. Animal Farm Audiobook

  21. The Handmaid's Tale

  22. Jurassic Park: A Novel

  23. The Time Machine

  24. 2001: A Space Odyssey

  25. Starship Troopers

  26. Flowers For Algernon

  27. The War Of The Worlds

  28. Ender's Shadow

  29. The Fellowship Of The Ring: Book One In The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy

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