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Ten Powerful Tools To Overcome Anxiety And Reclaim Your Life

Listen to 10 powerful tools to overcome anxiety, and reclaim your life. Melody Litton is a clinical hypnotherapist that will share with you, the tools to reduce and release anxiety. Learn all of these tools, and allow your inner voice to guide you to use the ones that will be the most helpful to you. Move at your own pace, take the time to learn and practice each tool before moving on to the next. And most of all, look forward to the anxiety free life ahead of you.

  1. Introduction

  2. Fight Flight Or Freeze

  3. Tool One The Brain Balancer

  4. Practice Activity: Put The Brain Balancer Into Action

  5. Put Your Amazing Mind To Work For You

  6. What To Expect

  7. Tool Two: The Subconscious Safe Haven Hypnosis

  8. Practice Activity: Listen Experience And Share

  9. The Effect Of Negative Energy

  10. Tool Three: Energy Cleanse

  11. Energy Cleanse Practice Activity

  12. Tool Four: The God Box

  13. God Box Practice Activity

  14. My Introduction To The Stop Card

  15. Tool Five: The Stop Card

  16. Stop Card Practice Activity

  17. Tool Six: The Fear Fighter

  18. Using The Fear Fighter

  19. Fear Fighter Practice Activity

  20. Feeling The Mindbody Connection

  21. Get Ready For Healing Movement

  22. Tool Seven Healing Movement

  23. Healing Movement Practice Activity

  24. The Simplest Object

  25. Tool Eight The Rock

  26. The Rock Practice Activity

  27. Tool Nine: Tuning In

  28. How To Tune In Role Playing

  29. Breathe And Give It A Try

  30. Tool Ten: Mind And Body Reset

  31. Meditation: The Mind And Body Reset

  32. Mind And Body Reset Practice Activity

  33. You're On Your Way

  34. An Extra Invitation To Continue Healing And Growth

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