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Persuasion Power & Influence Vol. 3

Listen to Ken Wells as he talks about Persuasion Power & Influence. On this course, he'll give you ideas and technique in having rapport when talking to people to easily connect with them. Also learn how to master your rapport skills and know the common rapport mistakes. enjoy!

  1. Introduction

  2. What Do You Really Know About Rapport

  3. How To Gain Rapport Quickly Without Saying A Word

  4. The Rapid Rapport Technique

  5. 4 Proven Techniques For Easily Connecting With Other People

  6. How To Effectively Pace Someone And The Levels Of Rapport

  7. How To Correctly Mirror Someone To Gain Rapport Quickly

  8. The Best Way To Gain Deep Rapport

  9. 2 Simple And Easy Ways To Get People To Agree With You

  10. How To Master These Skills

  11. How To Avoid The 5 Most Common Rapport Mistakes

  12. Rapport Magnets And The Power Of Incomplete Information

  13. The Importance Of Increasing Your Observation Skills

  14. How To Read People Like Sherlock Holmes

  15. How To Sharpen Your Awareness And Become Far More Observant

  16. A Simple Game That Will Increase Your Concentration And Help You Become Present

  17. A Fun Way To Become Good At Reading People Like Books

  18. How To Create An Environment Of Agreement

  19. Learn To Create The Solid Ground Of The Yes Foundation

  20. Putting Everything Together

  21. Conclusion And Next Steps

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