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EFT For Negotiation

Listen to Joan K. about Negotiation. This is a course about how to reduce the stress that arises during negotiations. This stress stops your mind from working at peak efficiency.If you are negotiating in a stressful state, your results will be a lot poorer than if you are calm and relaxed (on the inside). If you are in control, you normally win your negotiation.Enjoy!

  1. Introduction To Emotional Freedom Techniques

  2. Disclaimer

  3. Who Is Joan Kaylor

  4. Introduce Yourself

  5. Subtle Energies Of The Meridian System Within The Human Body

  6. Hydration

  7. Conscious Vs. Subconscious ? Where Learning Occurs

  8. Brain Balancing Technique

  9. Create Rapport

  10. Summary

  11. Introduction - Negotiate With Eft

  12. Fear Of Being Rejected

  13. Fear Of Being Fired

  14. Uncomfortable With Tension

  15. ?i Am Not Being Heard.?

  16. Being Greedy

  17. Setting Boundaries

  18. Tap On When You Felt This Fear In The Past

  19. Next Steps

  20. [bonus] Getting Better At Negotiating Faster

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