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12 Day Detox - Total Transformation

Are you looking for a detox program that isn't a fad diet, crazy pills, or starvation? If you are looking for a whole food, clean eating program that supports your health as well as your mind and soul then this is the program for you. This program is great for anyone who eats a lot of processed foods and wants to give themselves a clean start or those wanting learn about a healthy weight loss jumpstart. Enjoy!

  1. Preparation Lecture - How To Prepare Your Kitchen For Your 12 Day Detox

  2. Daily Visualization - Getting Your Mind Prepped

  3. Your First Day - What To Buy For Optimum Health

  4. Daily Visualization

  5. Day 2 Lecture - How To Set Achievable Goals

  6. Day 2 Big Picture Goals Visualization

  7. Day 3 Lecture - How Visualization Can Shift Your Mindset For Success

  8. Day 3 Strengthening Your Commitment Visualization

  9. Day 4 Lecture - How Water Benefits Our Health

  10. Day 4 Water Visualization

  11. Day 5 Lecture - Sunshine And Juicing For More Energy

  12. Day 5 Sunshine And Healthy Juices Visualization

  13. Day 6 Lecture - How Hidden Inflammation Affects Our Health

  14. Day 6 Inflammation Visualization

  15. Day 7 Lecture - How Exercise Benefits Our Health

  16. Day 7 Activity Visualization

  17. Day 8 Lecture - What Is Dry Brushing And It's Benefits

  18. Day 8 Dry Brushing Visualization

  19. Day 9 Lecture - The Harmful Effects Of Caffeine

  20. Day 9 Caffeine Removal Visualization

  21. Day 10 Lecture - How Stress Affects Our Health

  22. Day 10 Anti Stress Visualization

  23. Day 11 Lecture - How Sugar Sabotages Our Health

  24. Day 11 Sugar Addiction Visualization

  25. Day 12 Lecture - Steps To Take Beyond This Program For Lasting Health

  26. Day 12 Cleansing Thoughts Visualization

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