Self Help & Addiction

Self Help & Addiction

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From Sex-Obsessed To Creative Genius

Do you have a lot of creative projects on your mind, but you never actually get to any of them? Have you been procrastinating on your projects by looking for quick fixes? Are you trying to make yourself feel better by chasing the instant gratification of sex, rather than doing the work? Are you trying to move from being 'Sex Obsessed' to a 'Creative Genius'? Give this pack a listen if you answered "YES" to any of these questions. Learn to focus with Boom Shikha. Enjoy!

  1. Why Creativity And Sexuality

  2. Creativity And Sexuality - Two Forms Of Similar Energies

  3. Everyone On This Planet Is Creative

  4. Perfectionism Kills Creativity

  5. What Creative Project Are You Procrastinating On

  6. Sexuality Brings Up Judgement

  7. What Does Transmuting Mean

  8. A Brief Introduction To Chakras

  9. Flexing Our Pc Muscles

  10. A Moving Meditation For Grounding

  11. Why Am I Celibate Right Now - Learnings From Tantra.

  12. Three Main Things To Take Away From This Mini-course

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