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Al-Anon Personal Audio Stories from The Forum Magazine Vol. 4

Listen to 25 of the best Al-Anon stories from the The Forum Magazine in high fidelity

  1. Tearing Down Walls To Let Recovery In

  2. Finding My Way, Learning Life Skills As An Adult

  3. Making And Keeping A Commitment To Myself

  4. Leaving The Past Behind

  5. My Decision To Get Off The Train

  6. When I Listened With My Heart, The Color Of My Skin No Longer Mattered

  7. What I Learned When I Stopped Trying To Control Everything

  8. All Aboard, Making The Decision To Get Off The Crazy Train

  9. I Don't Have To Pretend Anymore

  10. Without Detachment, I Was Imprisoned While My Boyfriend Was In Jail

  11. My Lesson In Detachment Man'??s View

  12. Facing My Fear

  13. Conquering The Spiritual Disease Of Fear

  14. I Came To Understand And Accept My Feelings

  15. I Didn't Know How To Love Myself

  16. I Am Finding Out Who I Am One Day At A Time

  17. Making Peace With The Mom? I Always Wanted

  18. I Wasn't An Alcoholic, Yet I Had Become My Father

  19. I'm No Longer Alone

  20. My Al-anon Journey: Going Past Survival To Living A Healthy Life

  21. I Found The Answers In Al-anonĂ¢??the Second Time Around

  22. Coming To Terms With Alcoholism As A Disease

  23. Al-anon Brings Inmate New Understanding

  24. When I Found Balance, Happiness Followed

  25. I Came To Al-anon To Help My Wife, I Came Back To Help Me

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