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Debtors And Gambler's Anonymous Speakers

Debtors Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from compulsive debting. Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. Listen and enjoy the best-collected speeches.

  1. D.a. Has Change My Life And I'm Still A Beginner - Katherine V.

  2. God With What We Have Because He Can't Work With What We Don't Have - Michelle P.

  3. Gratitude In Service And Action - River K.

  4. How Does Debtors Anonymous Works For Me - Jane A.

  5. I Always Thought That Money Comes From Magic Hat - Victoria S.

  6. I Am Very Clear The I Have A Disease - Billy C.

  7. I Have Personally Found An Action For Myself - Dolores A.

  8. I Needed Be Behind Something - Rose B.

  9. I Really Did Not Want To Be A Debtor - Nye S.

  10. I'm Here Because I Don't Want To Debt To Death - Meryl S.

  11. It's About The Money But It's Not About The Money - Lee B.

  12. It's Not All About The Money - Linda T.

  13. My Life Looks Pretty Scary At Times - Nora Q.

  14. My Vision To Came To New York And Starve - Rich A.

  15. Nobody Recognize That I Am A Compulsive Gambler - Dave S.

  16. Solvency Is Sanity - Jay B.

  17. The Miracle Of The 12 Steps Recovery Program In Gambling - Tom S.

  18. The Program Sought Me A New World - Cassis B.

  19. Tools Do Not Result Recovery But Will Result To A Cleaner Life- Dev T.

  20. What Brought Me To Debtors Anonymous - Rose S.

  21. When In Doubt Don't Debt - Alexandra R.

  22. Where I Am Now On My Recovery - Alan K.

  23. Who I Am And What I Am Without The Program - Greg K

  24. Why I Do My Spending Plan The Way That I Do - Rene S.

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