Self Help & Addiction

Self Help & Addiction

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Co-Dependents Anonymous Speakers

We have all learned to survive life, but in CoDA we are learning to live life. Through applying the Twelve Steps and principles found in CoDA to our daily life and relationships ­ both present and past - we can experience a new freedom from our self-defeating lifestyles. It is an individual growth process. Each of us is growing at our own pace and will continue to do so as we remain open to God's will for us on a daily basis.

  1. Coda Is God?s Program - Judith M.

  2. Forgiveness Comes In Stages - Sherill S.

  3. I Always Knew What Exactly Going On - Culle V.

  4. I Came From The Prefect Family - Jim A. And Ann D.

  5. I Know There Is Something Wrong From The Beginning - Karmann P.

  6. I Met My Inner Child - Phyllis T.

  7. Pocket Full Of Anger - Carmen N.

  8. Recovery Is The Wildest Thing - Wally B.

  9. Relationships & Intimacy - Charles C.

  10. Shame & Co-dependency - Jim D.

  11. Spirituality Who Got My Soul - Jim D.

  12. The Works I've Done On My Recovery - Ted M.

  13. We All Have Learn To Live Life - Chuck B.

  14. We Started It All Together - Steve S.

  15. We're Having The Feelings That We Don't Have When We're Children - Jen T.

  16. Where We Are Right Now - Mary R.

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