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AA Workshop - Hope For Tomorrow - A Twelve Step Spiritual Retreat - Sandy B.

In this workshop, AA speaker Sandy B. talks about the "Twelve Steps Spiritual Retreat". He shares the Real essence of spiritual journey, full relief from the pain of separation and conscious separation as the problem. This is a great guide to your easy and fast recovery. Enjoy!

  1. The Real Essence Of Our Spiritual Journey - Sandy B.

  2. We Don't Get The Full Relief From The Pain Of Separation The We Have - Sandy B.

  3. Conscious Separation Is The Only Problem That We Have - Sandy B.

  4. There Is Something Wrong With Us - Sandy B,

  5. Spirituality Is Best Explain With Stories - Sandy B.

  6. It's Not Necessary That I Think It Up - Sandy B.

  7. It's Not The Future Nor The Past, It's The Now - Sandy B.

  8. The Power Of Our Thought To Create A Reality To Live In - Sandy B.

  9. Seeing Things Differently Is The Ticket To Home - Sandy B.

  10. The Essential Ingredient Of The Problem - Sandy B.

  11. Fighting Depression And Being Sober - Sandy B.

  12. Acceptance Is So Powerful - Sandy B.

  13. It's A Decision To Seek Joy As A Top Priority - Sandy B.

  14. I Was Powerless Over Lust - Sandy B.

  15. My Ego Has A Lot Of Fear - Sandy B.

  16. The Biggest Cause Of Death Is Birth - Sandy B.

  17. Living In Your Own Little World - Sandy B.

  18. I Believe My Thoughts And I Feel My Beliefs - Sandy B.

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