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Self Help & Addiction

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AA Workshop - Take a Look at the World and See the Unhappiness Around you & in You - Mark H

This workshop features two of the all-time best AA speakers, Mark H. from Texas and Joe H. from California. They really go into the depth and weight of the program and it is a very moving workshop. One of my favorite parts is when they get to the 11th step and Mark and Joe share in the most detail I have ever heard them share regarding their spiritual experiences. Joe H. tells his full story about his travels to India and it is absolutely amazing. Prepare to be disturbed, to laugh, to cry.

  1. Common Causes Of Unhappiness - Mark H.

  2. Taking People To The Message - Joe H.

  3. Finding The Truth On The First Step - Mark H.

  4. I'm Powerless Over Alcohol Because Of Physical Craving - Joe H.

  5. The Illness Of The Body And The Mind - Mark H.

  6. We Need To Be With People Of The Problem And Have A Common Solution - Joe H.

  7. Set Aside Differences And Look For The Similarities - Mark H And Joe H.

  8. I've Had A Craving For Drugs - Joe H.

  9. We All Travel The Same Path With God - Mark H.

  10. You Have To Have A Power On Your Life To See The Truth - Joe H.

  11. I Have To Find A Power Which I Can Live - Mark H.

  12. I Finally See A Faith In Some Part Of God - Joe H.

  13. No Human Power Can Relieve My Alcoholism - Mark H.

  14. Turning Your Will And Life To The Care Of God - Joe H.

  15. The Alcohol Is The Symptom Not A Problem - Mark H.

  16. I Crave To Have And Crave To Avoid - Joe H.

  17. Fear And Faith Can't Exist On The Same Place - Joe H.

  18. The Way To Get Experience Inventory Is To Write Inventory - Mark H.

  19. The Spirit Of The Fellowship Of Alcoholics Anonymous - Joe H.

  20. Making A List For Immense And Inventory - Mark H.

  21. Making Immense With Employers And Companies - Mark H.

  22. Making Immense To All Persons Have Harm - Joe H.

  23. How God Works In Making Immense To People - Mark H.

  24. The Importance If Immense While There Is Still Time - Joe H.

  25. You Will Transmit What You Have But You Cannot Transmit What You Do Not Have - Mark H.

  26. Denial In Recovery And Drinking - Joe H.

  27. Having Awareness Of God In Life - Mark H.

  28. All Sufferings Comes From Resistant From What It Is - Mark H.

  29. Caring About Wanting To Live Or Die - Joe H.

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