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Parents in Conflict Co-Parenting Course - Learn How End Conflict and Help Your Kids Live Happy through Divorce

Do you want to learn how to end the conflict with a difficult co-parent? Are you trying to protect your children from being damaged by a parent who may have a high conflict personality? Listen to this co-parenting class designed to end your fighting and helping you protect your children.

  1. 1. Introduction To Coparenting Classes Online

  2. 2. Defining Cooperative Coparenting

  3. 3. Parenting To The 100th Power

  4. 4. Rule 1 Controlling Face To Face Contact

  5. 5. Rule 2 Controlling Communication In Writing

  6. 6. Part 1 Disengaging From The Other Parent

  7. 7. Part 2 Disengaging From The Other Parent

  8. 8. Part 3 Disengaging From The Other Parent

  9. 9. Part 1 Stringing Pearls With Your Child

  10. 10. Part 2 Stringing Pearls With Your Child

  11. 11. The 8 Steps Of Empathy

  12. 12. Tips For Successful Co-parenting

  13. 13. This Is The House That Jack Built

  14. 14. The Court Expects Cooperative Coparenting From Parents

  15. 15. American Heritage Defines Coparenting

  16. 16. Wikipedia Definition For Coparenting

  17. 17. One Father Defines Coparenting

  18. 18. Ideal Coparenting Behaviors

  19. 19. Dr. Deena Defines Cooperative Coparenting

  20. 20. Can You Cooperatively Coparent

  21. 21. Defining High Conflict Cases

  22. 22. Conflictual Coparenting Defined By Dr. Deena

  23. 23. What If You Cannot Cooperatively Coparent

  24. 24. Identifying A High Conflict Case

  25. 25. What Makes Yours A High Conflict Case

  26. 26. Share Your Conflictual Coparenting Experiences

  27. 27. The Two Ways To End Conflict With The Other Parent

  28. 28. What Are Your Child Sharing Fears

  29. 29. The Sum Of All Child Sharing Fears

  30. 30. Removing Your Coparenting Fears

  31. 31. The List Of Child Sharing Fears

  32. 32. Why Do You Fight With Your Ex

  33. 33. The Reason Parents Fight Over The Children

  34. 34. It Only Takes One Parent To Save The Children

  35. 35. Both Parents Are Blamed For The Conflict

  36. 36. The High Conflict Blamer

  37. 37. The High Cost Of Litigation

  38. 38. The Difficult Personality And Litigation

  39. 39. The True Way To Win Custody

  40. 40. The High Conflict Personality In Court

  41. 41. Shift Your Focus To The Children

  42. 42. The Good Parent Mentality

  43. 43. The Good Parent Supports The Child's Relationship With The Other Parent

  44. 44. The Good Parent Teaches Their Children Appropriate Skills

  45. 45. The Good Parents Lets Go Of The Difficult Parent

  46. 46. The Good President Can Learn From President Roosevelt

  47. 47. The Good Parent Becomes The Director Of Their Own Life

  48. 48. The Good Parent Goes Flat Line About Their Ex

  49. 49. The Good Parent Focuses Only On The Children

  50. 50. What Did You Lose In The Breakup

  51. 51. Grieving Your Losses

  52. 52. What Have Your Children Lost

  53. 53. Your Children Experience Numerous Losses

  54. 54. Extensive Losses For Your Children

  55. 55. Your Children Have Pain At 100%

  56. 56. A Healing Script For Your Children

  57. 57. From Grief To Good Parenting

  58. 58. The Coparenting Alternative

  59. 59. The Parallel Parenting Approach

  60. 60. The Mom's World- Dad's World Approach

  61. 61. The Script To Reduce Conflict

  62. 62. Stop Being So Mad

  63. 63. Parallel Parenting Strategies

  64. 64. The Benefits Of Mom's World- Dad's World

  65. 65. Parallel Parenting Protects The Children

  66. 66. Coparenting Requires Parents To Talk To Each Other

  67. 67. Coparenting Agreements Fail

  68. 68. Coparenting Creates Chaos

  69. 69. Coparenting Keeps The Fight Going

  70. 70. Choose The Parallel Parenting Approach

  71. 71. Your Unique Set Of Parenting Rules

  72. 72. The Break Up Shake Up

  73. 73. John Gottman's Breakup Research

  74. 74. The Breakup Train Ride

  75. 75. The Leaving Process

  76. 76. Going Over The Waterfall

  77. 77. The Fast Roller Coaster Ride

  78. 78. The Leaving And Left Behind Chart

  79. 79. Share About Your Breakup Experience

  80. 80. Anxiety Reactions To Fear

  81. 81. Anxiety Reactions And Conflict

  82. 82. Visual And Verbal Contact Create Anxiety

  83. 83. The 6 Types Of Socialized Fears

  84. 84. Fear Controls Everything About Us

  85. 85. Fear Controls Our Thoughts And Our Behavior

  86. 86. Fear Of The Unknown Drives Conflict

  87. 87. The Fear Of Being Alone Drives Conflict

  88. 88. The Fear Of Being A Failure

  89. 89. The Fear Of Rejection

  90. 90. Share Your Fear Experiences

  91. 91. Fear And The Adrenaline Rush

  92. 92. The Adrenaline Rush And Loneliness

  93. 93. The Anxiety Chart

  94. 94. Negative Anticipation Occurs Before Exchanges With The Ex

  95. 95. Children Feel Their Parent's Anxiety

  96. 96. Negative Scripting Creates Anxiety

  97. 97. It Takes 3 Days To Calm Down

  98. 98. Constant Contact Creates Constant Conflict

  99. 99. That Noise In Your Head

  100. 100. Get Rid Of The Noise In Your Head

  101. 101. Time Out! Get Away From The Ex

  102. 102. The Conflict Equation

  103. 103. The First Rule To Control Conflict

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