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Gary Vee - The Answers

Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of Vayner Media and the host of The #AskGaryVee Show, gives answers to the most often asked questions of his followers. Listen to this great collection and you will definitely learn useful lessons for your life and business. Enjoy!

  1. Advice To 16 Year Old Entrepreneurs

  2. Why I Love Millennials

  3. Two Major Ways To Handle Growth In Your Company

  4. Can Anyone Make Good Micro-content

  5. Are There Any Mistakes I Repeat

  6. How Can College Professors Be Relevant To Their Students

  7. Everything Is Being Documented - Create Your Legacy

  8. Lewis Howes Asks Should I Sell Books On Instagram Or Facebook

  9. Ashton Kutcher Asks - What Social Media Platform Won't Exist In Five Years

  10. Scooter Braun Asks How I Would Fix The Jets

  11. What The Middle Is And Why It Sucks

  12. Hustle Five Years Ago Versus Hustle Now

  13. What I Reveal About Myself Within First 30 Seconds I Meet You

  14. Why Is It Taking Companies So Long To Get On Social

  15. How Do I Raise Money From An Angel Investor Or Venture Capitalist

  16. Gary Vaynerchuk Goes Deeper On His Last Answer From Techweek Keynote

  17. If I Could Clone Myself, Would I

  18. Do I Support Vaynermedia Employees' Personal Brands

  19. My 2014 In Five Words

  20. How I Push My Team Beyond Their Best

  21. How Do You Stay Focused On Your Goals

  22. Networking With Gary Vaynerchuk

  23. Why You Never Schedule A Tweet

  24. Will My Kids Have To Work In My Business

  25. My Favorite City To Drink Wine In

  26. What I Would Do If I Came To America At 23 Years Old

  27. Focusing On Top Line Versus Bottom Line

  28. My Thoughts On Pareto's Law

  29. How I Benefit From The #askgaryvee Show

  30. What Forms Of Media Do I Consume

  31. The Best Way To Enter A Marketing Career

  32. The Impact I've Had On Others

  33. Using Distribution To Build Your Following

  34. Does Dress Code Affect Professionalism Or Performance

  35. Is The #askgaryvee Show My Meditation

  36. Getting Rid Of Horrible Wine Politely

  37. The Fate Of The Real Estate Agent

  38. How I Give Without Expecting Any Return

  39. My Thoughts On Employing Friends

  40. How To Bring Relevance To The Funeral Business

  41. Shark Tank's Lori Greiner Asks - How To Pick Out A Good Wine

  42. Passion Is The Number One Way To Turn On Your Brain

  43. Knowing When To Delegate Weaknesses

  44. Why I Release The #askgaryvee Show In The Evenings

  45. Yes! Men Use Pinterest Too!

  46. Tommy Lasorda Asks How Do You Keep Your People Motivated

  47. How Your Brand Can Dominate Instagram

  48. The Best Ways To Prepare For A Keynote

  49. How To Show Educators The Importance Of Social Media

  50. How Do Men & Women Differ In Success And Tactics

  51. My Best Tips For Time Management

  52. Using Content To Promote Future Products

  53. Why I Post The #askgaryvee Show On Facebook

  54. Motivation To Continue A Project Without Seeing Significant Growth

  55. My First Action As Jets Owner

  56. The One Thing I Would Teach Everyone

  57. Prioritizing Health In My Twenties

  58. Franchising Your Company

  59. Thoughts On Government Officials Picking Winners

  60. How Can Artists Apply Business Tools To Their Craft

  61. Maintaining Energy While Always Hustling

  62. Will Online Courses Disrupt Traditional Education

  63. Best Way To Recruit Partners For Content

  64. How Relevant Will Email Be In Five Years

  65. How Much Does Garyvee Rest And Sleep

  66. Introducing Non Wine Drinkers To Wine

  67. Does Twitter's Latest Algorithm Damage User Experience

  68. Using Social Without Confusing Your Audience

  69. Finding The Balance Between Passion And Aggression

  70. Adding Curated Content To Original Content

  71. Gaining A Following With Limited Interaction

  72. Who Is Your Favorite Comedian

  73. Social Media Responsibility For Students

  74. Dealing With Rude Clients

  75. Gaining Visibility With Your Content

  76. Are Twitter, Uber And Snapchat Overvalued

  77. Your Country Does Not Determine Your Hustle

  78. Thoughts On Ello

  79. Strategy Behind Following A Lot Of People On Twitter

  80. Throwing A Right Hook On Instagram

  81. Using Kickstarter To Start A Business

  82. What I Look For When Hiring Creatives

  83. Every Business Is A Media Company

  84. What Gary Vaynerchuk Spends Money On

  85. How To Attack A Stale Industry

  86. What Was The Riskiest Choice You've Ever Made In Your Career

  87. Was Vaynermedia The Right Thing

  88. How Do You Get Away With Saying F_#k So Much

  89. Building A Brand On Rented Real Estate Vs. Website

  90. Does Gary Vaynerchuk Have A Business Card

  91. Facebook Dark Post

  92. Are Your Weaknesses Obvious

  93. Vetting Clients For Vaynermedia

  94. Is Entrepreneurship Your Hobby

  95. Who Are You Scared Of Letting Down

  96. Were You Born To Be An Entrepreneur

  97. Value Of 24/7 Community Management

  98. What Advice Would I Give 21 Year Old Me

  99. Time Management Before An Assistant

  100. Buying Another Nfl Team

  101. Life Lessons Learned From Fatherhood

  102. Posting Natively On Social

  103. Promoting Kickstarter Campaigns

  104. No Exposure Versus Fake Exposure

  105. Loving The Process Of Work

  106. The Source Of My Motivation

  107. Why My Phone Is Always In The Shot

  108. The Definition Of Hustle

  109. Escape The Losers Mentality

  110. Driving Traffic To A Website When Posting Natively To Facebook

  111. Technology Consumption By Children

  112. How Gary Vaynerchuk Met Jerome Jarre

  113. Thoughts On Auto Reply Dm Services On Twitter

  114. When Has Gary Vaynerchuk Been Happiest In Life

  115. How To Stand Out On Linkedin

  116. Whats Going On With You Gary Vaynerchuk

  117. Building A Podcasting & Youtube Business Model Based On Donations

  118. What Is The Biggest Obstacle To Success

  119. How Entertainment Is Going To Be Affected By Oculus Rift & Virtual Reality

  120. Roi Of Your Mother

  121. Do You Need To Be Outgoing To Be An Entrepreneur

  122. Why Am I Constantly Posting On Social

  123. What Actor Would Play Gary Vaynerchuk In A Movie

  124. Is Instagram A Greater Social Network Than Twitter

  125. Role Of Confidence In Success

  126. The Effectiveness Of Facebook's Pay To Play Model

  127. Making Unknown Hashtags Trend

  128. Cake Or Pie

  129. How To Execute Without Finances

  130. More Valuable Enthusiasm Or Action

  131. Who Were Gary Vaynerchuk's Mentors

  132. Matthew Santoro Asks - Is Youtube Ending As A Social Media Platform

  133. How Gary Vaynerchuk Handles The Demand For His Attention

  134. Working In A Family Business

  135. I Believe In Andy Dalton

  136. Public Relations Monitoring Social For Businesses

  137. Tea Or Coffee

  138. Do You Believe In Jim Collins Belief That We Can Only Focus On Three Things

  139. Center Or Edge

  140. What's An Area Of Life You Haven't Given Your Fullest Efforts

  141. The Moment I Knew I Made It

  142. How Gary Vaynerchuk Remains Calm

  143. How To Build Relationships With Your Neighbors

  144. Complaining Is Very Unattractive

  145. How Gary Vaynerchuk Get's Through A Funk

  146. New Skills I've Learned From Someone Else

  147. Should Freelancers Work For Free

  148. What's The Hardest Obstacle You've Faced In The Past Five Years

  149. Als Ice Bucket Challenge

  150. How Can Public And Government Institutions Use Social In Marketing Campaigns

  151. What's The Best Way For A Right Hook To Seem Like A Jab

  152. What Keeps Gary Vaynerchuk Up At Night

  153. What Is Humor's Role In Business

  154. Is Jab Jab Jab Right Hook Going To Audiobook Form

  155. How To Market On Yik-yak

  156. How To Market Your Brewery & Beer

  157. The Order You Should Read My Books In

  158. Am I F_@#ing Happy Now

  159. How Much Time Does Creating Social Media Content Take

  160. Which Historical Figure Would You Have Lunch With

  161. What My Family Has Taught Me About Life & Business

  162. Gary Vaynerchuk's College Course

  163. Should You Be Automating Marketing Software

  164. How To Leverage Brand Equity

  165. Would Gary Vaynerchuk Run For President

  166. What Was Wine Library's Biggest Business Shift

  167. What Content You Should Produce If You Were A Realtor

  168. Promoting Posts On Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin

  169. How Do Brands Go Viral Without Any Marketing

  170. Are You Working Hard Enough

  171. Work Harder And Work Faster

  172. What Salespeople Need To Know About Social Media

  173. Should You Self-brand, Or Establish A Company Brand

  174. The Most Important Thing My Dad Taught Me About Business

  175. Where Will Gary Vaynerchuk Be In Five Years

  176. How To Get Your First 10 Customers

  177. The Best Restaurants And Wine Bars In Nyc

  178. How To Market Music Using Social Media

  179. What Makes Customers Act The Way They Do

  180. How To Market A Small Business With A Limited Budget

  181. The Easy Way To Find Great Employees

  182. How To Create Interesting Content On A Boring Subject

  183. The Answers - How Do You Drive Book Sales

  184. The Answers - What Situations Do You Find Yourself Most Comfortable In

  185. The Answers - What Is Gary Vaynerchuk's Favorite Book

  186. The Answers - Company Culture & My New Book

  187. The Answers - Do You See Parallels Between Tennis And Business

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