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Daily Readings and Reflections from the AA Big Book

Enjoy sobriety 365 days per week with powerful recovery readings, prayers and thoughts from the AA Big Book.

  1. Jan 1 - I Am A Miracle

  2. Jan 2 - First, The Foundation

  3. Jan 3 - Powerless

  4. Jan 4 - Begin Where You Are

  5. Jan 5 - Total Acceptance

  6. Jan 6 - The Victory Of Surrender

  7. Jan 7 - At The Turning Point

  8. Jan 8 - Do I Have A Choice?

  9. Jan 9 - An Act Of Providence

  10. Jan 10 - United We Stand

  11. Jan 11 - The 100% Step

  12. Jan 12 - Accepting Our Present Circumstances

  13. Jan 13 - It Doesn't Happen Overnight

  14. Jan 14 - No Regrets

  15. Jan 15 - An Unsuspected Inner Resource

  16. Jan 16 - Hitting Bottom

  17. Jan 17 - Happiness Comes Quietly

  18. Jan 18 - Would A Drink Help?

  19. Jan 19 - Round-the-clock Faith

  20. Jan 20 - We Pause . . . And Ask

  21. Jan 21 - Serving My Brother

  22. Jan 22 - Let's Keep It Simple

  23. Jan 23 - Having Fun Yet?

  24. Jan 24 - Getting Involved

  25. Jan 25 - What We Need--Each Other

  26. Jan 26 - Rigorous Honesty

  27. Jan 27 - Freedom From Guilt

  28. Jan 28 - The Treasure Of The Past

  29. Jan 29 - The Joy Of Sharing

  30. Jan 30 - Freedom From . . . Freedom To

  31. Jan 31 - Our Common Welfare Comes First

  32. Feb 1 - Goal: Sanity

  33. Feb 2 - Rescued By Surrendering

  34. Feb 3 - Filling The Void

  35. Feb 4 - When Faith Is Missing

  36. Feb 5 - A Glorious Release

  37. Feb 6 - A Rallying Point

  38. Feb 7 - A Path To Faith

  39. Feb 8 - Convincing Mr. Hyde

  40. Feb 9 - Getting The Spiritual Angle

  41. Feb 10 - I Don't Run The Show

  42. Feb 11 - The Limits Of Self-reliance

  43. Feb 12 - The Root Of Our Troubles

  44. Feb 13 - We Can't Think Our Way Sober

  45. Feb 14 - Expectations Vs. Demands

  46. Feb 15 - Taking Action

  47. Feb 16 - Commitment

  48. Feb 17 - The Love In Their Eyes

  49. Feb 18 - Our Paths Are Our Own

  50. Feb 19 - I'm Not Different

  51. Feb 20 - The Gift Of Laughter

  52. Feb 21 - I'm Part Of The Whole

  53. Feb 22 - Guidance

  54. Feb 23 - Mysterious Paradoxes

  55. Feb 24 - A Thankful Heart

  56. Feb 25 - The Challenge Of Failure

  57. Feb 26 - No Ordinary Success Story

  58. Feb 27 - A Unique Stability

  59. Feb 28 - What? No President?

  60. Mar 1 - It Works

  61. Mar 2 - Hope

  62. Mar 3 - Overcoming Self-will

  63. Mar 4 - Weeding The Garden

  64. Mar 5 - A Lifelong Task

  65. Mar 6 - The Idea Of Faith

  66. Mar 7 - The Key Is Willingness

  67. Mar 8 - Turning It Over

  68. Mar 9 - Surrendering Self-will

  69. Mar 10 - Today, It's My Choice

  70. Mar 11 - Good Orderly Direction

  71. Mar 12 - A Day's Plan

  72. Mar 13 - A World Of The Spirit

  73. Mar 14 - The Keystone

  74. Mar 15 - The God Idea

  75. Mar 16 - As We Understand Him

  76. Mar 17 - Mysterious Ways

  77. Mar 18 - Real Independence

  78. Mar 19 - Prayer: It Works

  79. Mar 20 - Love And Tolerance

  80. Mar 21 - Material And Spiritual Well-being

  81. Mar 22 - No More Struggle. . .

  82. Mar 23 - . . . And No More Reservations

  83. Mar 24 - Active, Not Passive

  84. Mar 25 - A Full And Thankful Heart

  85. Mar 26 - The Teaching Is Never Over

  86. Mar 27 - AA's Freedoms

  87. Mar 28 - Equality

  88. Mar 29 - Trusted Servants

  89. Mar 30 - Our Group Conscience

  90. Mar 31 - No One Denied Me Love

  91. Apr 1 - Looking Within

  92. Apr 2 - Character Building

  93. Apr 3 - Accepting Our Humanness

  94. Apr 4 - Crying For The Moon

  95. Apr 5 - True Brotherhood

  96. Apr 6 - A Lifetime Process

  97. Apr 7 - A Wide Arc Of Gratitude

  98. Apr 8 - An Inside Look

  99. Apr 9 - Freedom From ' King Alcohol '

  100. Apr 10 - Growing Up

  101. Apr 11 - A Word To Drop: ' Blame '

  102. Apr 12 - Giving Up Insanity

  103. Apr 13 - The False Comfort Of Self-pity

  104. Apr 14 - The ' Number One Offender '

  105. Apr 15 - The Bondage Of Resentments

  106. Apr 16 - Anger: A ' Dubious Luxury '

  107. Apr 17 - Love And Fear As Opposites

  108. Apr 18 - Self-honesty

  109. Apr 19 - Brothers In Our Defects

  110. Apr 20 - Self-examination

  111. Apr 21 - Cultivating Faith

  112. Apr 22 - New Soil . . . New Roots

  113. Apr 23 - Aa Is Not A Cure-all

  114. Apr 24 - Learning To Love Ourselves

  115. Apr 25 - Entering A New Dimension

  116. Apr 26 - Happiness Is Not The Point

  117. Apr 27 - Joyful Discoveries

  118. Apr 28 - Two ' Magnificent Standards '

  119. Apr 29 - Group Autonomy

  120. Apr 30 - A Great Paradox

  121. May 1 - Healing Heart And Mind

  122. May 2 - Lighting The Dark Past

  123. May 3 - Cleaning House

  124. May 4 - ' Entirely Honest '

  125. May 5 - The Forest And The Trees

  126. May 6 - ' Hold Back Nothing '

  127. May 7 - Respect For Others

  128. May 8 - A Resting Place

  129. May 9 - Walking Through Fear

  130. May 10 - Free At Last

  131. May 11 - A New Sense Of Belonging

  132. May 12 - The Past Is Over

  133. May 13 - The Easier, Softer Way

  134. May 14 - It's Okay To Be Me

  135. May 15 - Know God; Know Peace

  136. May 16 - We Forgive . . .

  137. May 17 - . . . And Forgive

  138. May 18 - Freedom To Be Me

  139. May 19 - Giving Without Strings

  140. May 20 - One Day At A Time

  141. May 21 - A List Of Blessings

  142. May 22 - Step One

  143. May 23 - Spiritual Health

  144. May 24 - ' Happy, Joyous And Free '

  145. May 25 - Progressive Gratitude

  146. May 26 - Turning Negative To Positive

  147. May 27 - No Maudlin Guilt

  148. May 28 - Equal Rights

  149. May 29 - True Tolerance

  150. May 30 - Our Primary Purpose

  151. May 31 - Readiness To Serve Others

  152. Jun 1 - A Changed Outlook

  153. Jun 2 - The Upward Path

  154. Jun 3 - On A Wing And A Prayer

  155. Jun 4 - Letting Go Of Our Old Selves

  156. Jun 5 - Entirely Ready?

  157. Jun 6 - All We Do Is Try

  158. Jun 7 - Long-term Hope

  159. Jun 8 - Opening Up To Change

  160. Jun 9 - Living In The Now

  161. Jun 10 - Impatient? Try Levitating

  162. Jun 11 - Family Obligations

  163. Jun 12 - Forming True Partnerships

  164. Jun 13 - Living Our Amends

  165. Jun 14 - When The Going Gets Rough

  166. Jun 15 - Making Aa Your Higher Power

  167. Jun 16 - Open-mindedness

  168. Jun 17 - ' Deep Down Within Us '

  169. Jun 18 - A Fellowship Of Freedom

  170. Jun 19 - ' Aa Regeneration '

  171. Jun 20 - Release From Fear

  172. Jun 21 - Fear And Faith

  173. Jun 22 - Today, I'm Free

  174. Jun 23 - Trusting Others

  175. Jun 24 - A Spiritual Kindergarten

  176. Jun 25 - A Two-way Street

  177. Jun 26 - A Gift That Grows With Time

  178. Jun 27 - Conforming To The Aa Way

  179. Jun 28 - The Determination Of Our Founders

  180. Jun 29 - A Rippling Effect

  181. Jun 30 - Sacrifice = Unity = Survival

  182. Jul 1 - The Best For Today

  183. Jul 2 - The Heart Of True Sobriety

  184. Jul 3 - Experience: The Best Teacher

  185. Jul 4 - A Natural Faith

  186. Jul 5 - A New Direction

  187. Jul 6 - Identifying Fear . . .

  188. Jul 7 - . . . And Letting Go Of It

  189. Jul 8 - An Ever-growing Freedom

  190. Jul 9 - I Am An Instrument

  191. Jul 10 - Toward Peace And Serenity

  192. Jul 11 - A Turning Point

  193. Jul 12 - Giving Up Center Stage

  194. Jul 13 - Humility Is A Gift

  195. Jul 14 - A Nourishing Ingredient

  196. Jul 15 - Pride

  197. Jul 16 - ' A Measure Of Humility '

  198. Jul 17 - Surrender And Self-examination

  199. Jul 18 - Grateful For What I Have

  200. Jul 19 - False Pride

  201. Jul 20 - Shortcomings Removed

  202. Jul 21 - A Priceless Gift

  203. Jul 22 - ' The Good And The Bad '

  204. Jul 23 - I Ask God To Decide

  205. Jul 24 - Helping Others

  206. Jul 25 - Those Who Still Suffer

  207. Jul 26 - The ' Worth ' Of Sobriety

  208. Jul 27 - Giving Freely

  209. Jul 28 - Those Who Still Suffer

  210. Jul 29 - Anonymous Gifts Of Kindness

  211. Jul 30 - Giving Back

  212. Jul 31 - A Prayer For All Seasons

  213. Aug 1 - Living It

  214. Aug 2 - We Become Willing . . .

  215. Aug 3 - . . . To Be Of Service

  216. Aug 4 - Seeds Of Faith

  217. Aug 5 - Listening Deeply

  218. Aug 6 - Driven

  219. Aug 7 - A ' Design For Living '

  220. Aug 8 - Made A List ...

  221. Aug 9 - . . . Of All Persons We Had Harmed

  222. Aug 10 - Redoubling Our Efforts

  223. Aug 11 - Removing ' The Ground Glass '

  224. Aug 12 - A Look Backward

  225. Aug 13 - A Clean Sweep

  226. Aug 14 - Repairing The Damage

  227. Aug 15 - Didn't We Hurt Anybody?

  228. Aug 16 - I Had Dropped Out

  229. Aug 17 - Righting The Harm

  230. Aug 18 - Getting Well

  231. Aug 19 - A Frame Of Reference

  232. Aug 20 - Toward Emotional Freedom

  233. Aug 21 - We Just Try

  234. Aug 22 - Seeking Emotional Stability

  235. Aug 23 - Bringing The Message Home

  236. Aug 24 - A Riddle That Works

  237. Aug 25 - The Gift Of Bonding

  238. Aug 26 - Giving It Away

  239. Aug 27 - Centering Our Thoughts

  240. Aug 28 - Lightening The Burden

  241. Aug 29 - I Choose Anonymity

  242. Aug 30 - The Only Requirement . . .

  243. Aug 31 - A Unique Program

  244. Sep 1 - Willingness To Grow

  245. Sep 2 - Finding ' A Reason To Believe '

  246. Sep 3 - Building A New Life

  247. Sep 4 - Reconstruction

  248. Sep 5 - Emotional Balance

  249. Sep 6 - Removing Threats To Sobriety

  250. Sep 7 - Our Side Of The Street

  251. Sep 8 - We Asked His Protection

  252. Sep 9 - Opening New Doors

  253. Sep 10 - Recovery By Proxy?

  254. Sep 11 - Making Amends

  255. Sep 12 - I Am Responsible

  256. Sep 13 - Repairing The Damage

  257. Sep 14 - Peace Of Mind

  258. Sep 15 - A New Life

  259. Sep 16 - We Stand Or Fall Together

  260. Sep 17 - Freedom From Fear

  261. Sep 18 - Loved Back To Recovery

  262. Sep 19 - Acceptance

  263. Sep 20 - H.p. As Guide

  264. Sep 21 - The Last Promise

  265. Sep 22 - A ' Limitless Lode '

  266. Sep 23 - I Was An Exception

  267. Sep 24 - Vigilance

  268. Sep 25 - First Things First

  269. Sep 26 - Our Children

  270. Sep 27 - Without Reservation

  271. Sep 28 - Love Without Strings

  272. Sep 29 - Exactly Alike

  273. Sep 30 - The Circle And The Triangle

  274. Oct 1 - Lest We Become Complacent

  275. Oct 2 - The Acid Test

  276. Oct 3 - Serenity After The Storm

  277. Oct 4 - A Necessary Pruning

  278. Oct 5 - Yesterday's Baggage

  279. Oct 6 - Facing Ourselves . . .

  280. Oct 7 - Daily Monitoring

  281. Oct 8 - Daily Inventory

  282. Oct 9 - A Spiritual Axiom

  283. Oct 10 - Fixing Me, Not You

  284. Oct 11 - Self-restraint

  285. Oct 12 - Curbing Rashness

  286. Oct 13 - Unremitting Inventories

  287. Oct 14 - A Program For Living

  288. Oct 15 - My Checklist, Not Yours

  289. Oct 16 - Throughout Each Day

  290. Oct 17 - A Daily Tune-up

  291. Oct 18 - An Open Mind

  292. Oct 19 - Aa's ' Main Taproot '

  293. Oct 20 - Solace For Confusion

  294. Oct 21 - Nothing Grows In The Dark

  295. Oct 22 - True Tolerance

  296. Oct 23 - What We Know Best

  297. Oct 24 - By Faith And By Works

  298. Oct 25 - Aa's Heartbeat

  299. Oct 26 - One Ultimate Authority

  300. Oct 27 - Global Sharing

  301. Oct 28 - An Unbroken Tradition

  302. Oct 29 - Our Survival

  303. Oct 30 - Live And Let Live

  304. Oct 31 - Avoiding Controversy

  305. Nov 1 - I Cannot Change The Wind

  306. Nov 2 - Keeping Optimism Afloat

  307. Nov 3 - Focusing And Listening

  308. Nov 4 - A Daily Discipline

  309. Nov 5 - The Quality Of Faith

  310. Nov 6 - Going With The Flow

  311. Nov 7 - Let Go And Let God

  312. Nov 8 - An Individual Adventure

  313. Nov 9 - Stepping Into The Sunlight

  314. Nov 10 - A Sense Of Belonging

  315. Nov 11 - Self-acceptance

  316. Nov 12 - Morning Thoughts

  317. Nov 13 - Looking Outward

  318. Nov 14 - Intuition And Inspiration

  319. Nov 15 - Vital Sustenance

  320. Nov 16 - A Daily Reprieve

  321. Nov 17 - Overcoming Loneliness

  322. Nov 18 - A Safety Net

  323. Nov 19 - I Was Slipping Fast

  324. Nov 20 - Thy Will, Not Mine

  325. Nov 21 - A Classic Prayer

  326. Nov 22 - Only Two Sins

  327. Nov 23 - Hold Your Face To The Light

  328. Nov 24 - A Universal Search

  329. Nov 25 - A Powerful Tradition

  330. Nov 26 - The Hazards Of Publicity

  331. Nov 27 - The Perils Of The Limelight

  332. Nov 28 - Attraction, Not Promotion

  333. Nov 29 - Active Guardians

  334. Nov 30 - Protection For All

  335. Dec 1 - ' Suggested ' Steps

  336. Dec 2 - Serenity

  337. Dec 3 - In All Our Affairs

  338. Dec 4 - Into Action

  339. Dec 5 - A New State Of Consciousness

  340. Dec 6 - When The Chips Are Down

  341. Dec 7 - True Ambition

  342. Dec 8 - Service

  343. Dec 9 - Love With No Price Tag

  344. Dec 10 - Carrying The Message

  345. Dec 11 - A Genuine Humility

  346. Dec 12 - A Common Solution

  347. Dec 13 - Thinking Of Others

  348. Dec 14 - Reaching Out

  349. Dec 15 - Doing Anything To Help

  350. Dec 16 - Partners In Recovery

  351. Dec 17 - A Priceless Reward

  352. Dec 18 - Honesty With Newcomers

  353. Dec 19 - Understanding The Malady

  354. Dec 20 - The Rewards Of Giving

  355. Dec 21 - Listen, Share And Pray

  356. Dec 22 - Principles, Not Personalities

  357. Dec 23 - Recovery, Unity, Service

  358. Dec 24 - A ' Sane And Happy Usefulness '

  359. Dec 25 - At Peace With Life

  360. Dec 26 - Accepting Success Or Failure

  361. Dec 27 - Problem Solving

  362. Dec 28 - Suit Up And Show Up

  363. Dec 29 - The Joy Of Living

  364. Dec 30 - Anonymity

  365. Dec 31 - Daily Resolutions

  366. Introduction

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